Pupil Workshops
Psychoeducation and Practical Strategies
Pupil Workshops are where Let's Talk Mental Health fills a gap in mental health education and activities for young people themselves.
The topics covered in pupil workshops will differ dependant on the age of the recipients and dependant on what content is desired, however a recommended initial workshop is "An introduction to mental health and wellbeing". Examples of customised workshops that have been delivered to pupils include anxiety introduction and management, eating disorders and supporting a friend with mental health difficulties. All content can be discussed before delivery, and amended if the need arises. The language will range dependant on age, but all workshops will be interactive sessions, which involve a range of exercises to engage and educate young people on the topic of mental health.
The general content for the "introduction to mental health and wellbeing" workshop would be as follows ; ​
What is Mental Health
Common types of Mental Health problems
Why do Mental Health issues arise
What are some of the pressures and challenges facing young people
How can we take care of our Mental Health
How can we support a friend who is struggling
Where can we go for support
The cost of these workshops will vary dependant on the size of the group, the level of customisation, and the travel that is required to reach the school. To discuss workshop content and prices, please do get in touch for an initial conversation.

Creative Activities
Creative Workshops are a way to explore mental wellbeing through play and creative activities. These workshops primarily focus on self-care and positive wellbeing promotion.
An example of a creative workshop might be to develop self-sooth boxes for a group of young people. This would involve decorating a self-sooth box and then introducing the education around the importance of self-care and how we can effectively practice this. Other creative options include positive affirmation cards and messages of support for people we may know who are struggling.
The cost of these workshops will vary dependant on the size of the group, the resources that are required, and the travel to reach the school. To discuss workshop content and prices, please do get in touch for an initial conversation.
Assemblies are a great way to reach a larger number of pupils in a shorter period of time. The amount of time allocated to assemblies at different schools will affect the level of detail that can be covered by a presentation, but can still be very effective. Some schools may wish to contract more than one assembly over a range of different days.
Although assemblies can be delivered to suit large age ranges, it may be worth splitting students into two smaller cohorts of pupils. This is to allow for content that may be more age specific to the audience.
The cost for assemblies would also be discussed on an individual basis dependant on number of pupils, length of assembly and travel required.